And We had already destroyed generations before you when they wronged, and their Messengers had come to them with Clear Evidence, but they were not believing. Thus, We do reward the Mujirim people.
The Impartial Lord doesn’t destroy any people unless they became transgressors, wrongdoers, and Mujirims by hiding and rejecting Adhikr. When people of Looth involved in sodomy, they were destroyed. Thus, it is asked through verse 7: 84: “Then you see how the consequence of the Mujirims was?” When the people of a country become wrongdoers even after reminding Adhikr, they will be wiped out as explained in verses 6: 45-47. If there is a believer present in a people who commands mankind with Adhikr and if they are repenting, they will not be destroyed as explained in 8: 33.
Today, these verses are read by hypocrites and their strayed followers who are the Fujjar and Kuffar. But by hiding and rejecting Adhikr—the Splendid Book—they are commanding evil and are forbidding good. They are following 29 pseudo-prophets and are welcoming the Antichrist as explained in verse 9: 16. See the explanation2: 99; 6: 55; 7: 40; 9: 5 and 28.